Kitty Kawaii
IDR 93,000
Life Span
6 Months
Water Content
Base Curve
KEMENKES AKL 21204320678
Softlens Natural Series Softlens ini memiliki warna brown yang ring tipis di pinggirnya, sehingga akan membuat mata kamu lebih tegas namun akan terlihat natural.
Softlens ini cocok untuk natural look sampai bold look di setiap acara.
*Click specification untuk melihat detail Diameter, Pupil Diameter, Water Content (Kadar Air), Life Span (masa waktu pemakaian) dll.
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/ 5.0
35 ratings
7 reviews
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2 months ago
R*** A***
As always selalu nyaman setiap pake softlens dri eyelovin
4 years ago
k*** r***
Been using this for like 12 months? yup beli 2 kali gt maksudnya karena bagus banget dan nyaman di mata. Warnanya cantik jadi bikin makeup lebih keluar gt dan apa ya pokoknya cantik bgt natural looks jg!
5 years ago
A*** O***
My first time to try this product and shop at eyelovin. I bought two products (Spanish Grey and Mini Olivia Brown), both are natural looks contact lense that can be wear in long hours and still feels comfortable in my eyes. Will purchase again and excited to try other products as well.
5 years ago
v*** c***
sumpah ini bagus bangettt warnanya, mnurutku dia lebih ke ijo tua gitu ya dimata, tapi bnr2 bagus bngt kek gapake soflens gitu keliatannya jd natural & dia soflensnya enak dipake gt, lembut, berasa kek gapake.
5 years ago
M*** N***
Love the color so bad, and gonna buy another one soon❤
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